A corporate card is an ideal tool for organizing and controlling the payment of travel, hospitality and business expenses of your company's employees
Advantages of a corporate card over cash

Expenses related to the main activities of the organization
- Purchase of goods, settlements with suppliers;
- Payment for services related to the main activities of the company.

Travel and entertainment expenses
- Payment at the restaurant;
- Buying tickets;
- Payment for hotel accommodation;
- Car rent;
- Getting per diem.

Business and overhead expenses
- Purchase of stationery, office equipment, software;
- Online shopping (learning materials, books, etc.);
- Payment for courier and other professional services;
- Other business expenses.
Advantages of Visa MBusiness

each card has its own spending limit, over-limit spending is not possible;

Saving time and money
The card allows you to reduce your costs and time associated with receiving imprest amounts, and the report helps you quickly and easily check paid invoices.

the ability to block a corporate card by phone at any time of the day, in case of its loss or theft
MBusiness card
An ideal tool for organizing and controlling the payment of travel, hospitality and business expenses of your company's employees

Card maintenance First year free

Daily limit for non-cash transactions 11 500 USD

Cash withdrawal at bank ATMs 0%

Cash withdrawal at ATMs of other banks 0.4%