
Board of Directors

Baktybek Tumonbaev

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors

Asel Kyrgyzbaeva

Member of the Board of Directors

Zhanybek Myrzabaev

Member of the Board of Directors

Lailieva Maya

Member of the Board of Directors

Shariah council

Emilbek Asylbekov

Chairman of the Shariah Council

Tozhidin Eshonkulov

Member of the Shariah Council

Olzhabay Alimbekov

Member of the Shariah Council

Board of bank

Ishenbaev Maksatbek Beyshenbekovich

Chairman of the Board

Chairman of the Board of OJSC “MBANK”

Ishenbaev Maksatbek Beishenbekovich is an experienced financier and manager with more than 30 years of experience in banking, insurance and leasing. Over the years of his career, he headed the leading financial institutions of Kyrgyzstan, including commercial banks, the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as insurance and leasing companies. His competencies include strategic management, financial analysis and business process optimization, which has repeatedly contributed to the successful development of the organizations in which he has worked.


  • 1993 — Kyrgyz National University, Faculty of Economics, specialty “Finance and Credit.”
  • 1996 — Master's degree in political science, The Graduate School of Political Science, Saitama University (Japan).
  • 1995 (April-June) - Shanghai University of Finance (China), introduction course in market economics.
  • 1997 (March-April) – Joint Vienna Institute (Austria), seminar on macroeconomics.
  • 1997 (November) - Training Center of the Central Bank of Great Britain (London), seminar on capital markets.
  • 2002 — Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, specialty “Business Administration”.

Professional experience

  • June 1993 - November 1994 – National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, economist of the credit resources department.
  • November 1994 - October 1995. – National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Economic Department, economist of the first category of the Dealer Group of the Department for organizing operations on the open market.
  • October 1995 - October 1996. – National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Economic Department, senior economist of the Group of Dealers of the Department for Organizing Operations on the Open Market.
  • October 1996 - July 1998. – National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Economic Department, leading economist in the Department organization open market operations.
  • July 1998 - November 1998 – National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Department of Monetary Operations, Head of the Dealing Operations Department.
  • November 1998 - January 2000 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC Energobank.
  • January-May 2000. – Acting Chairman of the Board of OJSC Energobank.
  • May 2000 - July 2004. – Chairman of the Board of OJSC Energobank.
  • July 2004 - March 6, 2007 – Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • May 2007 - December 2010 – Head of the representative office of Bank Center Credit OJSC.
  • December 20, 2010  – Chairman of the Board of OAO “Zalkar Bank”.
  • 2017-2023 - CEO of OJSC "Bai Tushum"
  • 2023-2025  Chairman of the Board of Directors of MBANK.
  • 2025 – Chairman of the Board of MBANK.

Maksatbek Ishenbaev has deep knowledge in the field of financial management, monetary policy and banking regulation. His strategic vision, leadership skills and ability to adapt to changing economic conditions enable him to successfully manage complex processes and develop financial institutions.



Kairatbek Suranaev

First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board
Admission Schedule

Monday from 10:00:00 to 11:00:00

In 2005, he graduated with honors from the A. Toktonaliev BFET with a degree in financier.

In 2009, he graduated with honors from the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic with a degree in economics.

In 2017, he graduated from the International Academy of Management, received an education in the specialty "Jurisprudence", a certified specialist.

He started his career in 2007 as an expert in the micro and small lending sector at OJSC "Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan".

From 2009 to 2010, he worked as a leading specialist in the Retail lending Department of the Credit Management of JSC Asia Universal Bank.

From 2010 to the present day, he has been working at Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN OJSC. He has come a long way from a leading specialist in the lending department to the director of the Lending Department. He is one of the youngest directors of the bank, who has implemented dozens of projects, participated in many regional and international seminars on financing and lending.

Has certificates: B2B Globe, USAID, Bishkek Business School.

Sergey Fomenko

Managing Director - Member of the Board

In 2000 he graduated from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin, Faculty of Economics

He has over 20 years of experience in the banking sector. He began his career with the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic. From 2000 to 2006, he worked at the Settlement and Savings Company, where he rose through the ranks from an intern to the head of the Treasury Department. Then he continued his career in the Kyrgyz-Investment-Credit Bank, Aiyl Bank, AsiaUniversalBank, Rosinbank, FINCA bank - where he worked as a chief specialist and head of the Treasury Department.

From June 1, 2021 He was hired by OJSC "Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN". And since May 13, 2022, he has been holding the position of Managing Director-Member of the Board.

Доталиев Эмиль Урматович

Член Правления

Доталиев Эмиль Урматович – в 2009 году окончил Кыргызский Национальный университет им.Ж.Баласагына по специальности Национальная экономика и получил степень Магистра.

Трудовую деятельность начал в 2008 в филиале ЗАО «Банк Азии» в должности дилера валютного рынка, затем продолжил свою карьеру и совершенствование навыков дилерской профессии в ОАО «Айыл Банк» с 2009 по 2014 годы.

В середине 2014 г. был принят на работу в ОАО «MBANK», в последующем, в феврале 2016 года был назначен на должность директора Казначейства. За годы работы в должности Директора Казначейства реализовал ряд проектов и инициатив направленных на совершенствование внутренних бизнес-процессов и повышение эффективности деятельности Банка на межбанковском рынке. В результате правильно выбранной стратегии, Банк на протяжении многих лет входит в тройку лидеров как по объему совершаемых операций на рынке, так и по объему получаемых валютных доходов среди банков Кыргызстана. Отмечен благодарственным письмом, грамотой Союза Банков Кыргызстана и почетной грамотой Министерства финансов КР. 

Райынбекова Миргуль Бейшеналиевна

Член Правления - Главный бухгалтер

Член правления главный бухгалтер-начальник управления бухгалтерского учета и отчетности ОАО «MBANK» .

Райынбекова Миргуль Бейшеналиевна обладает высокими навыками в области бухгалтерского учета и отчетности, управления финансами.

Образование и профессиональный путь:
2005 год. Окончила Бишкекский Финансово-Экономический Техникум по специальности «Бухгалтер».
2009 год. Успешно окончила Академию Управления при Президенте Кыргызской Республики по специальности «Экономист».

Трудовую деятельность начала в 2006 году. До прихода в ОАО «MBANK» работала в «Кыргызской Сельскохозяйственной Финансовой Корпорации», ОАО «Айыл Банк», Микрокредитная Агентство «Ала-Тоо».
В ОАО «MBANK» работает с 2009 года, где успешно проработала 14 лет и благодаря своим профессиональным навыкам доросла с рядового специалиста до главного бухгалтера филиала в 2014 году. А в 2015 году заняла пост начальника управления-заместителя главного бухгалтера управления бухгалтерского учета и отчетности.

Профессиональное развитие
За время своей работы в банковском секторе посетила 25 внутренних тренингов и семинаров.
Основная цель — продолжать совершенствовать и развивать банковские процессы, способствуя дальнейшему прогрессу банковской сферы Кыргызстана.