Individual safes
A convenient way to store valuables! The requirements for bank vaults are very high, so your valuables are incomparably more securely protected in a bank vault than anywhere else.
Bank safes are equipped with modern, technological safe boxes for storing your valuables!
Distinctive features of our safe deposit boxes:
They are certified for first class resistance to burglary
Have a perfect appearance and the highest quality manufacturing of all components
Five sizes of individual safes meet a variety of your wishes for the stored volume of personal values
Comply with international standards
To register the lease of individual safes, you must present an identity document, conclude an agreement and pay the rent.
The cost of renting an individual safe depends on its size:

Big safe
What to fit?
Stack of banknotes
Case dimensions

Medium safes;
What to fit?
Important Documents Folder
Case dimensions

Small safe
What to fit?
Important Documents Folder
Case dimensions
The security deposit for residents is 10 000 soms, for non-residents - 15 000 soms
(at the end of the rental period, the security deposit is returned to the client).
Having signed a contract with OJSC "Commercial bank KYRGYZSTAN", you can:
- rent safe deposit box at any time from one day to one year;
- take advantage of deposit box from 09:00 to 15:30 on weekdays and from 09:00 to 14:30 on pre-holiday days;
- convey the right to use safe deposit box trustee.
All transactions are completely confidential!!
Head office
Bishkek, 54a, Togolok Moldo str.Branch "MBANK Premium"
Bishkek, 59, Erkindik ave.Jalal-Abad Main Directorate
Jalal-Abad, 13a, Erkindik str.Osh Main Directorate
Osh, 119, Kurmanjan Datka str.