Investment loans under the program of targeted business financing from the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund

up to $1,000,000

up to 60 months

Investment loans under the program of targeted business financing from the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund

Credit amount
up to $1,000,000

Loan terms
up to 60 months
On May 25, 2016, an Agreement was signed between OJSC "Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN" and the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund on the provision of a credit line for financing small and medium-sized businesses.

Loans under the RKDF
Target loans are intended for the acquisition, renewal, expansion and modernization of fixed assets in the following industries:
- Горнодобывающая и металлургическая промышленность
- Развитие инфраструктуры (включая инфраструктуру туризма)
- Прочие долгосрочные инвестиции производственной направленности.
- Агропромышленный комплекс;
- Швейная и текстильная промышленность
- Обрабатывающая промышленность
- Транспорт
- Сумма кредита до 1 000 000 долларов США (эквивалент в сомах КР);
- Срок - от 3 до 60 месяцев
- Обеспечение: недвижимость, движимое имущество, депозит, поручительство, гарантия ОАО "Гарантийный фонд"
- Льготный период - до 9 месяцев
- Процентные ставки: от 6 % годовых в долларах США, от 9 % годовых в сомах
- Без комиссий.
Required documents:
- Passports of the borrower, spouse and guarantors (if any)
- Passport of the pledger and the spouse of the pledger (if the pledger is a third party)
- Marriage certificate (also pledger, if any)
- Documents confirming income
- Documents for pledged real estate (registration certificate, title document, certificate of absence of restrictions/encumbrances)
*Effective interest rate of KGS: 9.57%, USD/EUR: 6.35%

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